
即使在这个强劲的就业市场, companies want candidates that can answer some tough questions from the boss.

你从人力资源经理那里得到了好消息, the company you applied to wants to interview you for a role. 但有一个问题,你的面试官是首席执行官.

除非是在一家很小的公司工作, most entry-level roles won’t get questions from the top boss. 然而,大多数其他角色都是公平竞争的对象. By 1998, Amazon had built itself into a multi-billion corporation but CEO Jeff Bezos was still conducting the final interview on most everyone the firm hired. 即使CEO没有直接问这些问题, some bosses have literally written out the questions all hiring managers have to ask,最新太阳城官网高级职业教练说 Val奥尔森.

Organizations may be struggling to fill roles in this robust job market, but they still want to find candidates that would pass the CEO’s muster. 以下是ceo们常问的5个问题, in one form or another along with what experts say are good approaches to answering them.

Tell me what you know about our company and the position you’re seeking.

Bosses ask this question to see whether a candidate had enough interest in a role to do some homework before the interview. Not showing at least a modicum of curiosity about the company you purportedly want to work at will not impress anyone. 作为最新太阳城官网的CEO 加里·伯尼森 说, no matter how many times you tell an interviewer that you’re interested in the position, your lack of due diligence tells the firm: “I couldn’t care less.”

候选人不一定要读博士学位.D.专家表示,这是一项国家级研究. 阅读公司网站, 查看最近的新闻发布和收益公告, and doing a quick search for media articles can be enough for many non senior-level positions. However, don’t forget to learn about the CEO, or whomever is interviewing you, either. 你可能会发现你们俩有一种联系, 也许你们上的是同一所大学, 做同样的运动, 甚至为同一个慈善机构捐款.


CEO通常不会问“你是做什么的??” Even if they do ask it, they aren’t interested in hearing about your day-to-day activities. 然而,老板们想知道你取得了什么成就. Accomplishments speak volumes not only about what you’ve done, 但最重要的是你能为新工作带来什么. Prepare and rehearse specific examples and tell a brief story that shows how you’ve made a difference to your company and the customers it serves. 也, 2021年的转折, bosses will want to know how you showed resiliency and found new ways to solve a problem during the pandemic.

专家表示,精明的求职者可以更进一步. 提前花些时间研究一下这家公司, make contact with a few insiders to get details about the organization’s challenges and objectives, 然后制定一个“成就计划”,你可以在面试中谈论的问题. “Offer a plan that includes some ideas about what you would hope to accomplish in the first months of the job,奥尔森说.


不要说“闹钟”.” When the boss asks this, they want to know what motivates the candidate. 是渴望让顾客满意吗? 是薪水支票吗?? 老板们寻找的是精明和文化契合度, successful organizations are filled with employees 动机 by the same values and driven to accomplish the same goals. When asked this question, candidates should be honest about what they are passionate about. 即使答案不是老板想要的, it’s better to find out that your values don’t line up with what the organization is looking for during an interview rather than after taking a job.


老板, 以及几乎所有其他的专业人才或招聘经理, 会问这个问题的变体吗. 许多求职者只会背诵简历上的内容, but most bosses want to get beyond that and find out who a candidate really is. 这个问题,最新太阳城官网高级职业教练说 斯泰西帕金斯, is an invitation to what you are bringing to the table that will be valuable to this next role. “Think about what you have done in your career that might set you apart from other candidates,珀金斯说.



这个经典的变化通常在面试中出现得比较晚, and how a candidate responds could make or break their chances. CEOs want to know that their hires will be intellectually curious, 动机, 成就导向, so experts say you should ask questions to show off those qualities. 可以问老板的问题包括:

What do you expect me to accomplish in the first three months on the job?

This question shows that you would want to hit the job running. If you didn’t showcase an ‘accomplishment plan,” earlier in your interview, now is your chance.


Every business faces a major challenge, competitors, substitute products, regulation. Find out what the boss’ plan to overcome that challenge is and, 重要的是, the actions he thinks the company needs to take to accomplish the plan.


Find out what traits and drivers are valued most by the organization and the boss. 每个组织都是不同的.